Thank you for checking in. I apologize for the long time with no new posting. I organized a Pop-up art show in the building which my studio is in. It had a great turnout with international attendance from as far as the Ukraine and Russia. I was very pleased to have gotten so much feedback on my work, but I was also happy to provide an exhibit for 7 other artists as well. 7 out of 8 artists sold work at the exhibit and I even had an interview on the local news station. I hope that people will send me images of the show so that I can show you all.
In other news, I've been busy making new vessels, jewelry and even started on a second snakke viking ship. Pictures are coming within the month of August.
Thanks for checking in again and thank you all for your support. I am very grateful for you all.
Best wishes
-Adam O.
"Stitch" - in progress shot. Finished pictures to follow. Nickel silver, copper and enameled copper wire construction. |